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RE: [MIN] DS2 model/painting questions, and a message for KR of GeoHex fame

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 23:36:33 -0500
Subject: RE: [MIN] DS2 model/painting questions, and a message for KR of GeoHex fame


Sounds like a microscale version of the 'stipple' camo painting method. 
 I'll have to give it a try.  Well, not on my ESU troops of course. 
would only encourage them to hide, and those fancy fabrics cost money. 
far as the barrels are concerned, I've had pretty good luck with them so

far - no barrels lost due to my fingers.  GHQs pewter alloy is far more 
malleable than a lot of others I've seen.  I've got a company of
and BMP-2s - I want to paint 'em up for generic use, modern and DS2. 
 Probably go with a good old Soviet Green and gray stripes.  Sort of the

hand painted camo job.	It's real tempting to do them in the WW2 
whitewash-snow scheme, but I don't have any appropriate terrain.

Sudden Brainstorm:
KR, how about offering Gamescape Mats in harvest brown/green and winter 
white/green/brown to supplement the green & desert already available? 
an easily removeable brown &/or white flock powder?


-----Original Message-----
From:	Tony Wilkinson []
Sent:	Monday, September 07, 1998 06:08 AM
Subject:	Re: [MIN] DS2 model/painting questions

At 12:14 06/09/98 -0500, you wrote:
>OK, for all you DS2 mini painters out there:
>1) How do you all paint your 6mm/1/300/1/285/whatever infantry?  I'm
>to be starting on my own (finally) and I'm not sure how to go about
>painting a person that small.	I want them to look good, be
>for what they are, but I'm not out to win awards.
>2) Anybody got any good ideas about how to straighten the barrels of
>GHQ/C&C type tanks/APCs?  The barrels are pretty close to scale, so
>are really thin.  They are all bent to some degree, and my fiddling has
>just got them to look, well, less bent.  I would like to acheive a
>straight barrel, especially on the tanks - that's where it's most

	To paint 6mm I stick the figures to a 30cm ruler using
Undercoat with black and then dry brush with your base colour (I use a
green). Then find the rattiest and oldest brush you can. Get your next
colour (I use a dark green) and prepare the brush as if you were going
dry brush the figure. When you paint the figures you use a stabbing
A single "stab" for each colour should be enough for 6mm infantry.  What
this does is leave definate spots and splotches of colour on the figure.
do this with 4 colours (dark green, light green, dark brown, light
and the effect is a camo pattern without the eyestrain and hand shakes.
I've done this for all my DS and SG figures and vehicles and it looks
good if you finish off with a brown ink wash just to bring out the
This way it takes and hour to hour and a half to do an entire company.
	As for gun barrels on GHQ/C&C models you are best off leaving
them bent
for the most part. I if keep trying the get 'em straight they break off
pretty quick. You might try replacing them using brass rod or piano wire
but you lose the muzzle brakes. If you use piano wire make sure that you
get proper tools with which to cut it. That stuff chews up normal wire
cutter like you won't believe.
	Hope this has been of some help.


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