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Infantry Walkers and Other New Figures from GZG

From: Kevin Walker <sage@m...>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 23:10:53 -0000
Subject: Infantry Walkers and Other New Figures from GZG

Just got back from visiting GZG's both at GenCon UK.  This may not be 
news for everyone (I don't know how long they've been out) but I just 
purchased all of the new alien bio-ships and DSII infantry walkers 
they've recently added to the minis lines.

Does anyone want me to tie up some list bandwidth with descriptions of 
these?	A little teaser - some of the bio-ships look like the one 
pictured in More Thrust.

Kevin Walker			 Mac Developer / Software Engineer
Rochester  MN  USA		 WAM!NET

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