Re: GE Mechanics
From: db-ft@w... (David Brewer)
Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 02:10:13 GMT
Subject: Re: GE Mechanics
In message <> writes:
> My concern is with Fixed Mount weapons, we often refer to these as
> Destroyers. The classic Tank Destroyers of WWII were lower silohette,
> increased armour and maybe a larger gun when contrasted against a
> comparable turreted model. I think there should be some advantage to a
> other than mounting multibarrels. This has nothing to do with the fact
> I have tons of fixed-gun light tanks.
IIRC, Adam Delafield wrote a short piece for "Ragnarok" that
suggested a few extra rules to cover tank destroyers better. I
shall have a look around for it and, barring objections, send to
the, pardon me, his list.
David Brewer