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RE: SG2, using jetbikes in stargrunt.

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 12:28:20 +1000
Subject: RE: SG2, using jetbikes in stargrunt.

Hmm, Darryl, whilst mounted the troopies do take the suppressions into
account. For one thing they can't dismount suppressed??

-----Original Message-----
From: Darryl Adams []
Sent: Sunday, 30 August 1998 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: SG2, using jetbikes in stargrunt.

I use the Mike Broadbents jetbikes,and find a strange quirk in the

If you use them as light horse (dismountable) , while mounted ,they
suppression ,but when they dismount, they inherit all of their

This males their use as dismounted troops extramly hard.


Wayne wrote:

> Hi,
>	  Does anyone have any rules for using jetbikes in Stargrunt. 
> probably come up before so a quick point in the direction to finding
> something is all I need.
> Wayne.

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