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Re: Printed works, period kinda long

From: carlparl@j... (Carl J Parlagreco)
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 19:35:51 -0400
Subject: Re: Printed works, period kinda long

Don't worry. You keep getting it from your wife. You won't be getting
from me. :-)

On Wed, 19 Aug 1998 23:41:35 -0500 Noah Doyle <>
>Arrrrrgh!  I get enough of this from my wife!
>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Carl J Parlagreco []
>Sent:	Wednesday, August 19, 1998 05:25 PM
>Subject:	Re: Printed works, period kinda long
>>> I'd probably want to keep the Vulcans.  If you can depress them far
>>enough, they'd make great anti-personnel weapons...
>>> Noah
>But be careful. If you depress them too much, they won't be able to 
>out of bed on the day of battle.
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