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Re: Eureka minis homepage

From: "Jeremy Sadler" <jsadler@e...>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:32:31 +1000
Subject: Re: Eureka minis homepage

>Tre's right. I assumed when I got a blank page in the shop section that
>it was because the whole thing is under construction and that wa sjust
>place holder, but if you go in with exlorer you can see all the

I built/am building the Eureka Miniatures web site.

The product pages are all built on the fly through CGI, so they _should_
view correctly.  However the manufacturer pages are pre-built HTML, and
through Frontpage (at least until I attack them following that in a text
editor. Frontpage is easier to do layout in).

I just tested the GZG page in Navigator 4.04 and you're right, it
work.  However I've fiddled and now it does.

Apologies for those whom have tried to view the Eureka Miniatures site
haven't been able to.

Jeremy Sadler

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