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RE: Space Tactics

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 23:33:13 -0500
Subject: RE: Space Tactics

Sorry - I should have stated that Spinal Beam fire was Long Range 
Harassment AND Short Range Kick-Your-Teeth-Out-Your-A** :).
I was deep into thought at that point, and was mentally comparing 
performance of a spinal railgun (very nasty at close, but limited to
or so) to spinal beam (still nasty at close, but better at longer ranges
REALLY long ranges).  I also remember playing Battle Rider, with escorts
cruisers subliming (turning directly from solid into gas) under capital 
ship spinal meson fire.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Jared E Noble []
Sent:	Wednesday, August 19, 1998 12:47 PM
Subject:	RE: Space Tactics

>    Has anybody else tried experimenting with really big beam
>batteries/railguns?  I use them to represent Traveller/Leviathan style
>spinal mounts.  One arc only, usually fore or aft.  They seem to be
>effective.  Long-range harassment with the beam, and massive damage
>the railgun.  They also get expensive real fast.

Well, that's an interesting way of looking at it - Spinal Beam weapon is
'long-range harassment'....I guess it doesn't quite capture the
feel- at least not classic traveller, where the spinal mount was the
primary and most effective weapon.  But then again, with high guard's
abstract combat system, you basically had only 4 ranges. Battle
line/Reserve-Battle line/Battle-line-Reserve/ and Reserve-Reserve.

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