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Re: Other Forces

From: Niall Gilsenan <ngilsena@i...>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 11:34:34 +0100
Subject: Re: Other Forces

At 00:35 12/08/98 -0500, you wrote:
>You wrote: 
>>JTL... Ireland could also go to the NSL as Irish units/decendents
>>did serve in the Austrian army in the 1700/1800s.
>During the 1700s and 1800s Irish units fought in the Austrian, French, 
>Spanish (IIRC, not sure), Mexican, United States, and British armies.	
>Plus I'm sure I've missed a few.  Ireland during that time period 
>produced two things.  Irishmen and potatoes.  And not enough of the 
>latter to provide for the former.  So Irishmen left Ireland (even today

>Ireland's biggest export item is Irishmen) for wherever they could get 
>a job.  Including whatever armies were hiring.

Not quite true anymore oddly enough as we currently have the best
in Europe (according to statistics).  Although Britain going into
may have a nasty effect on us.	There are actually more people coming
into the country from abroad than leaving over the last few years. We
have economic migrants coming in here now for a change.  

With regard to all of the above I can confirm those although I'm not
about the Spanish.  I'm sure some did.	They used to get everywhere.  As
potatoes well the country was producing rather a lot more than that but
that was the popular image.

As to being part of the NSL I very much doubt it (apart from the cool
ships!).  Ties between Ireland and Germany are not very strong.  Well
from German support (guns) for the 1916 rebellion but there wasn't much
that really.  Although in terms of economics Germany has become much
important as a trade partner. France always had much more of an effect
our history.  They attempted to aid the 1798 rebellion with troops at
very least.  The French revolution was also an inspiration for the 1798
rebellion.  Geographically its much closer as well as culturally
tradition) than Germany.  

By the way Ireland is a neutral country so unless being part of the EU
changes that (which I doubt) it stikes me that along with the Swiss, the
Austrians, and Nordic countries we may be still independent.  Unless the
NAC takes us over or attitudes change radically.  One problem of having
long memory.  Economic dominance is not unlikely though.

At this rate we should really start a separate list for the discussion
historical and political perspectives on the FT universe.  Its a pity a
list that used to be quite friendly  and sensible has taken a turn for
worse.	Maybe we should just put a total ban on certain topics for a
and let things get back to normal.  

Frankly I am rather more interested in hearing about the effect of the
Fleet book on the game at the moment.
Niall Gilsenan,
DIT Cathal Brugha St,
Dublin 1,
The miscellany (Sci-Fi combat games)

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