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Re: FB Q's

From: laserlight <laserlight@m...>
Date: Sat, 01 Aug 1998 11:54:24 -0400
Subject: Re: FB Q's

My attempt at expertise: 

> From:

> A)  Are the any changes to the specialized fighter attack rules? 
> Torp fighters apply half damage to armor as per pulse torps?

> Do interceptors
> add their +1 dogfighting bonus against missiles?

> Does the +1 attack bonus of
> attack fighters give rerolls on a five or six or only when the dice
> reads six?
I would play it as only on a natural 6.

> B)  Is the damage from needle beams still regarded as unable to be
repaired by
> DCP's
No mention was made, therefore yes.
> C)  The summary sheet mentions limited anti-ship capability for PDS,
> mention is made in the text.	What's the scoop?
See 2nd paragraph of PDS in Weapon Summary,  Page 12 

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