Re: Simple is good
From: Jon Davis <davis@a...>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 19:43:53 -0400
Subject: Re: Simple is good
> I guess I'm the only one here that plays ASL.... <g>
> I like simplicity too, (And at a con, you're pretty much limited to
> route) but I don't like rules that disallow basic things you would do
> real lfe. Once abstraction gets in the way of that then the rules are
> too simple for me and we might as well just distill the whole game
> to a single die roll to determine winner and loser.
Not the only one. But it has been a long time since I've played. One
of the refreshing things about FT is that fact that I never have to
consult the rule book or a table when playing. You can't say that
for ASL. I would always have to dig into that 200+ page looseleaf
rulebook to find the case and rule that I was looking for. Too much
Bottom line. I have far too little time to play games than when I was
younger and without the 'middle-age' responsibilties. I prefer to
keep the games simple, but the tactics and strategies complex.
Jon Davis