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More on Wombles, but NO SONGS!! (was: RE: 15mm figures.)

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:28:33 +0100
Subject: More on Wombles, but NO SONGS!! (was: RE: 15mm figures.)

>G> Actually, no. The Citadel SF stuff made in the early 80s was their
>> Spacefarers range, which actually had more in common with the 15mm
>> Laserburn stuff.
>Well, somebody (Grenadier?) made some decent 25mm Traveller figs
>(I've got the Adventurers set) in the past.
> The first pointy-helmet Space Wombles were a set
>> of figures sculpted by Bob Naismith in the mid to late 80s, which
went on
>> to become the Space Marines we all know.
>Who coined the phrase Womble (and the very Wombling?). I've never
>heard anyone except was it Douglas Adams? say something about

Beth and Andrew have both already posted to explain what a Womble is,
once you see what they looked like you will immediately understand the
reference to the pointy-nose Space Marine helmets; probably lots of
saw the resemblance as soon as the figures came out, but I first heard
phrase used by John Treadaway, chairman of South London Warlords (who
Salute). Warhammer 40K quite naturally became Womblehammer 40K, and this
has stuck....

Jon (GZG)
>Thomas Barclay
>Software Specialist
>Police Communications Systems
>Software Kinetics Ltd.
>66 Iber Road, Stittsville
>Ontario, Canada, K2S 1E7
>Reception: (613) 831-0888
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