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Re: AAR Battle of Kessel

From: Alan E & Carmel J Brain <aebrain@d...>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 23:00:48 +1000
Subject: Re: AAR Battle of Kessel

Noah Doyle wrote:
> What's GmbH stand for - I can't'll be needed for the
Krupp-Siemens Corporate Security Forces.
I'm attempting to find out.

Also, NUERNSL should probably be NUERNSG (G for Gemeinschaft)

Or even possibly FUCHS for obscure reasonsthat maybe one of our native
Deutschlaenders could go into.(note the spelling - I may be wrong, but
at least I'm consistent in leaving the uml out :) )

--     <> <>    How doth the little Crocodile
| Alan & Carmel Brain|	    xxxxx	Improve his shining tail?
| Canberra Australia |	xxxxxHxHxxxxxx _MMMMMMMMM_MMMMMMMMM  o OO*O^^^^O*OO o oo     oo oo	 oo  
		    By pulling MAERKLIN Wagons, in 1/220 Scale

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