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RE: SG2 Vehicle Questions

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 21:59:19 -0500
Subject: RE: SG2 Vehicle Questions

Glover, spake thusly upon matters weighty: 
> I guess this sort of discussion can go on for ages with all parties
> hammering their own points.

Heh. Nothing new there though is there? 
> The only time it has fallen down is when we did have a large number of
> tanks on each side and as Jon T said these would really have been
> engaging each other at 2 to 3 Km instead of the 400 to 700m on the
> gaming table.

Note the comments made about LOS in Europe in another post by a list 
member. If 90% of all LOS are 300m or less, then you WOULD be 
engaging at that range. And yes, that is really deadly.

> The comments about the 500m dash are possible; two combat rolls will
> give you 480 m table scale. But if you've ever seen an APC doing a
> flat dash hit a tree stump in knee high grass you'll appreciate why it
> doesn't happen all the time. Ask Paul Calvi (Tanker) if he has his
> or forehead scar. Anyway, if you have a table with 48 inches of
> LOS and clear of table terrain, then maybe you have set up a game that
> would be more suitable for DS or Microarmour.

I'm not saying one prefers to do this. Lets just say Paul was going 
somewhere in his vehicle, and discovered he was engaged by enemies 
(or about to be) but there was cover or support or whatever a half 
klick away? Would he gun the motor and hope to not hit a tree stump? 
I'm sure he would. I was just making the point that this is hard to 
do. And in some backgrounds (lets say I'm using a grav vehicle and 
am hovering 7 feet up, over most low obstructions, and my grav tank 
can accelerate to 250kph - or more - a la Traveller or the like), you 
may want to let vehicles move quickly. If I have the capability for 
my grav tank (esp if he's coming on-board as reinforcements) to reach 
the sharp end in 1 move or in an average of 4, I'll tell you which I 
might opt for. (grin). Anyway, I think it depends on your setting. I 
noticed in the large campaign you are involved in, there are some 
special movement rules for ground forces... :)

Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
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