Re: No Good Guys? (Re: ATTN Jon T: Free CalTex Government and Society?)
From: Niall Gilsenan <ngilsena@i...>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 23:32:09 +0100
Subject: Re: No Good Guys? (Re: ATTN Jon T: Free CalTex Government and Society?)
> You know something... This is just an observation mind you, but
>idea of "no-good-guys" seems to be the trend in game background writing
>these days. (e.g. WH40K, Heavy Gear, Warzone and quite a few other
>out on the market.) Have we become so cynical and so pesimistic that
>no longer desire for real heros and obvious villians for the modern
>myths we weave? If so, why are we like this.
>Mark A. Siefert
Perhaps its simply a true reflection of the reality of our times. One
hero is anothers villain...For instance I just watched a program on
"Alexander the Greats" conquests. It would seem that in Iran (Persia in
those days) he is still known as "Alexander the curse". Most people are
well enough educated these days to recognise that the old idea of heroes
and villains is rather antiquated. There really is no black and white
shades of gray...
Pardon the drift into philosophy.
With regard to various gaming backgrounds I think this idea of good and
evil fals apart when you get into dealing with nation states (as many
do). You really can't generalise that easily considering how diverse
nations are. I like the FT universe and the fact that there are no
"good guys" in it. Unless you want to include the Kra'vak in this and
thats only because we don't know what their real motivation is. Bug eyed
alien monsters after all. You just can't trust em.
Niall Gilsenan,
DIT Cathal Brugha St,
Dublin 1,
The miscellany (Sci-Fi combat games)