RE: Movement types (was:RE: Savasku Questions)
From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 20:36:48 -0500
Subject: RE: Movement types (was:RE: Savasku Questions)
Most people who have any experience with science pick it up quickly.
average casual gamer - somebody who wanders by at a con or demo and
to try - takes about 3-5 turns to learn it, and a game or 2 to refine it
with Beth's aforementioned spectacular 'colocations' being common for a
while. The arrow-bumping problem has been seen occasionally, but wasn't
too bad. I use some 1/2 standard thickness arrow counters from ICE's
Strike, and we make a lot of our own counters for detectable effects
(active sensors, streaming atmosphere, afire, tumbling, etc.). Those
to a StarScape mat really well. B5 fans pick up on the vector system
pretty well, too. They're used to seeing Star Tige- Furies (sorry :)
manuver in that fashion. I'm so used to it now that I'm shocked when a
Minbari/Vorlon uses the other manuver style.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ground Zero Games []
Sent: Monday, July 20, 1998 01:21 PM
Subject: Movement types (was:RE: Savasku Questions)
Glad to hear you like the vector system; any experience yet as to how
newcomers to the game get on with it at first?
Jon (GZG)
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