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Re: New Fighter Types

From: Niall Gilsenan <ngilsena@i...>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 17:15:04 +0100
Subject: Re: New Fighter Types

At 15:31 20/07/98 -0400, you wrote:
>On Mon, 20 Jul 1998 08:18:02 +0100 Jon T wrote:
>Quoting Tony:
>>> Great! Now all I gotta do is way for Nic to get some 
>[Star Sabres] in stock :( With the B5 movie "In the 
>Begining" due out in the UK soon (27th, is it?) [...] <<
>Yep. Saw the first third or so of it (just up to the 
>EAS Prometheus opening fire) at "Nexus" (a local SF con) on 
>Saturday -- and then I had to go and give a talk! 
>Aaarrrrgggghhhhh..! Roll on this time next week...

Saw it a few months ago in Belfast myself.  Most enjoyable although the
the war was sort of compressed into a 5 minute segment apart from the
was a little disappointing (but only a little).  The battle of the line
great though we have seen a lot of it already. 

>>> [...]is there a chance of something to escort our 
>Minbari Warcruisers with? (please, please, pretty 
>please....) <<
>> Nic has actually already done a "Minbari" fighter 
>lookalike. He sent us some a couple of weeks ago and they 
>are now in production in the UK too. Very nice they are -- 
>pester him for some! <
>Jon, Jon, Jon... don't tantalise us like this! We want 
>_details_, man -- catalogue reference(s), availability 
>dates, on-line photos over which to drool...

Exactly..The battle of the line on tabletop draws closer...

>Now, who's going to do lookalike fighters for the Raiders 
>-- and, for that matter, some not-Vipers?

Not to mention a "not" Cylon base star or a "not" Battlestar.
Niall Gilsenan,
DIT Cathal Brugha St,
Dublin 1,
The miscellany (Sci-Fi combat games)

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