RE: Need Physics Help!
From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 01:24:46 -0500
Subject: RE: Need Physics Help!
First - Mikko, thanks for the suggestions - I lost your email.
Second, at 7500 km/MU, Terra is about 2 inches wide (12,9xx km dia.) and
Jupiter is 10 inches (71,000 kmdia.)? Does that sound about right?
is actually starting to sound better & better- I would like to have gas
giants on-table, and I have been balking at the idea of apinting a 13"
sphere into a good-looking Terra-type planet. But with 7500km/MU, your
railguns & Pulse Torpedoes had better have some real oomph to them - you
need a lot of velocity to make up for those distances. Maybe gravitic
accel? You could far outdistance EM accel that way. And with the
compensation that would entail, you could orbit however you wanted.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Slattery []
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 1998 06:33 PM
Subject: Re: Need Physics Help!
On 15 Jul 98 at 22:27, Mikko Kurki-Suonio wrote:
> Oh, I forgot to mention: If you have thrust anywhere near the levels
> needed for FT style combat manuevers, planetary gravitation becomes
> a non-issue -- it's effect is about the same as a small rounding
> error.
. you may have missed an earlier thread...
Taking the 15 minute turn/1,000km per move unit scale, full thrust
ships have a puny thrust of a 1/4g to 1/8g per thrust point, so
gravity really sucks. <yes! I worked that pun in at last>
Of course, if you change the scales it changes everything. I'm
heading for 7,500km per move unit to give about 1g per thrust point.
Richard Slattery
The trouble with America isn't that the poetry of life has turned to
but that it has turned to advertising copy.
Louis Kronenberger
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