Re: The Phalons
From: Charles Gray <cgray@j...>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 04:08:26 -0700
Subject: Re: The Phalons
Ground Zero Games wrote:
> >> I saw some "Phalons" at SAGA last month, and I think they look
> >>disgusting. They
> >> sort of look snail like, but if you flip them, they look more like
> >> penises protuding from a scabby scrotal sac, hence the name of the
> >>from
> >> phalus.
> >> GZG were obviously in jest when they released this line, but I'm
> >>laughing.
> >> BTW, everyone who saw the models, about half a dozen people, all
> >>agreeded with
> >> my assesment of their appearance, and they were rapidly named the
> >>Ships"
> >
> > In that case, maybe I don't want to know about any rules for this
> >
> >Enjoy,
> >Tom Granvold <>
> The Phalon ships are indeed snail-like in configuration, and were
> inspired by the similarly-shaped ships in Johji Manabe's superb
> series "Outlanders". Yes, they do look rude if you turn them upside
> but the name was chosen AFTER the first few ships were designed ;).
> for them are in early testing stages, for inclusion in the FB vol.2.
> Despite the name, they are NOT intended as a "joke" race - they will
be as
> valid (and dangerous) as any other force, and we've already started to
> quite a few over here, so obviously some people like 'em!
> (BTW, anyonewho gets worried by "symbolism" of that sort should NEVER,
> even LOOK at the old GW Tyranid stuff (especially the doors in the
> Hulk supplements), or the Kryomek, or anything at all by H.R.
> ) :)
I once played a War Hammer 40k tyranid game. (OK, stop throwing
everybody). An amature shrink, who had just finished a book about
Freud, sat in the corner with the Codex, and proceeded to analyze it.
It was about three months before I could even look at a Tyranid model
without bursting into laughter.