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Re: Stardate:3000 figs..

From: carlparl@j... (Carl J Parlagreco)
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 21:53:17 -0400
Subject: Re: Stardate:3000 figs..

Jeepers. Are you talking about the old ships produced by Valiant? Cool!
Are you serious about having 2-3 of each of the larger ships? *All* of
the larger ships, from each of the fleets? I'm so envious!

On Mon, 13 Jul 1998 15:28:31 -0700 Mike Wikan
<> writes:
>I just came into posession of a hunded-odd Stardate 3000 spaceship 
>What fun!! These ships are really great and will hold up well as alien
>warships! I have 2-3 of each of the larger ships and 12 or so of each 
>the fighter types.
>Michael Wikan, Game Designer
>Accolade, Inc.

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