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FB Boarding Factors?

From: "Donald A. Chipman III" <tre@i...>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 21:37:44 -0500
Subject: FB Boarding Factors?

Having finally gone through the ordeal of securing my copy of the
long-awaited Fleet Book (and what an ordeal it was.  Look for it as an
movie of the week), I've got to say that I love it.  I was wondering,
however, how you handle MT's Boarding Factors.	Are they a direct
of Crew Factors (1CF=1BF) should I follow the MT guideline that there is
1BF for each 4 remaining Damage points on the ship?  The former seems a
little thin, but the later would indicate that Frail hulled ships have
Boarding Parties than Strong hulled ships, even though they have the
amount of crew. The obvious compromise would be to give 2.5 BF for every
crew unit (1 CF=20 mass; 1 BF=8 mass; 1CF=2.5 BF), but that seems a
uneven for a system that traditionally adopts simpler ratios.	Any

Take care,


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