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RE: NAC units

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 22:58:20 -0500
Subject: RE: NAC units

	Good points, Brian.  How many Star Nations have moved their
capitols off 
of Earth?  This may bee seen as a move to reduce control over the
nations by the UN.  If the UN has their own navy which can keep the 
belligerents of the 2nd & 3rd Solar Wars away from the Core systems, and

ground troops that are higher tech than anybody else, They would seem to
pretty powerful.  That implies access to a big industrial base; Terra &
Sol System, perhaps?  What kind of control does the UN exert over the
 My guess would be substantial.
	The relationship between NAC forces may be compared to the
between Regular Federal Army units and State National Guard units in the

US.  Each has their own history, and unit pride.  The NG units (read 
colonials/smaller members) can be called into service alongside the
Army units (read NAC Royal Marines).
	I think that the political situation on Terra would pretty much
force the 
NAC to give each traditional member-nation a vote in the Parliament; 
England, Scotland, Wales (or maybe one vote for UK?), Canada, US. 
 Remember, when the seat of gov't was moved to Albion, it had the 
population of England.	There's still a lot more people left on Terra. 
remainder of the members would most likely be colonies on planets,
certian political situations arose (peaceful balkanization - oxymoron,
the NAC probably wouldn't let it happen).  Maybe a few big space
habitats & 
asteroid belts thrown in for good measure.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Brian Bell []
Sent:	Tuesday, July 07, 1998 11:50 PM
Subject:	Re: NAC units, was Odd FT Idea

> Anyway, I believe that the best route is to retain the units in both 
sides armies
> intact in the short term, I don't know how long but years. (the whole 
idea of a
> conglomerated NAC is a little hockey to begin with but since we're
> it,) I would keep historical designations from both forces since we
> aren't gonna start calling ourselves the Queen's anything.
And don't forget there are some large colonies that would be fielding
thier own units. I could forsee a strong anti-Earth bias on many of the
major colony worlds. "What does Earth bring to the NAC? A partial
continent and an island. We represent a whole frigg'n WORLD!"

MANY of the discussions on this list show an obvious (and
understandable) Earth bias. Remember that the AC government moved to
Albion in 2135. And in 2136 renames itself and declairs colonies as
independant members. (Is the US, Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, ...
all independant members or only planets considered independant members?)


Brian Bell

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