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KV in the New System

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 08:37:23 -0500
Subject: KV in the New System

Has anyone tried using KV equipment (railguns, scatterguns) in the new
design system?	I was looking over the rules again last night, and they 
would seem to be real shipkillers.  I also figured that the mass for the

railfuns would go along the same lines as the beams (1/2/4/8...). 
would probably fire thru 1 arc only, with maybe the class-1s having a
or 180 arc - the sidemounts then continue to make sense in the new 6-arc

system.  A couple of design flurries also seemed to show that KV ships
mount a nasty number of railguns, but it would be tempered by the 
installation of lots of armor.	I'll post some designs once i get them 
cleaned up.  They're frightening.  BTW, I also assumed that KV get a
in manuver (full thrust rating available for rotations & maybe pushes),
that railguns do roll up on a 6 (yikes!).

Noah V. Doyle

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