Prev: Re: Vivre la Quebec libre!! (8-) (was Re: Odd FT Idea) Next: RE: Noise..

Re: Noise..

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 17:18:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Noise..

Jonathan spake thusly upon matters weighty: 

> A quick request..  Can we keep the talk a *bit* more on topic? I came
in to a couple of 
> hundred emails this morning the vast majority of which were, well,
only subjectively 
> relevant to GZG - while the relative organisations of US vs. UK forces
and the American 
> Civil war may be of interest to some, I'd be seriously narked off if I
was paying to read all 
> this stuff when I wanted to talk about the *games*.

I can see that. But I guess most of us use this as a forum of sorts, 
and many things interest us about the 'future' as it might be. Maybe 
we should have a separate list for such speculations.... but we don't 
right now. And truth to tell, the GZG crew have written the rules 
well enough that by en large we don't have anything to bitch about 
and errata aren't much of an issue, so the interest is in the 
background, its implications, and the technologies and their 
implications rather than on game mechanics. And since most of the 
current day infantry tactics probably still apply (in SG2 anyway), 
and most of the list members seem to have some clue about this stuff 
(some from the sharp end!), there isn't as much discussion of tactics 
used in games as their might be. So really, some portion of what goes 
on is a social interaction between players of a series of games 
separated by vast geography. I can see why some would complain - the 
volume can be a lot - but I can also say I personally don't find most 
of the diversions annoying - I find them interesting and they tell me 
a bit about the other hobbyists I might one day be fortunate enough 
to meet. And they open my eyes to interesting new ideas. 

> BTW, those hundred and odd emails generated 447 error emails to me.
You gotta love 
> being list admin...

Sounds like its time for a separate email account.....

(Who isn't plagued by concerns about list direction... but then that 
ain't my job to do either......) 
Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
66 Iber Road, Stittsville
Ontario, Canada, K2S 1E7
Reception: (613) 831-0888
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