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Re: Odd FT Idea

From: "Richard Slattery" <richard@m...>
Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1998 01:06:08 +0000
Subject: Re: Odd FT Idea

On  3 Jul 98 at 2:54, wrote:

> Canuk is not offensive, not like calling a Brit a limey.
> I don`t think anybody has ever had much reason to think up a
> perjorative time for Canadians.Then again we are so damn polite and
> good natured we probally wouldn`t know when someone is using the
> term as an insult.

Oops, answered in the next mail I read. Canuk? Canadian UK?
As a brit, I don't mind being called a limey actually, it's hardly 
insulting reminding us we ate limes to stave off scurvey ;)

Thinking of odd naval traditions, I'm sure the slightly swervy 
manuevering of NAC ships is due to their daily tot of rum ;)
Shouldn't we think up an equivalent tradition for space as the one 
for crossing the equator on earth? Any ideas?
Richard Slattery
I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you
want to annoy for the rest of your life. 
     Rita Rudner

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