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Re: Odd FT Idea

From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 19:49:54 -0700
Subject: Re: Odd FT Idea

Cristobal A. Mera wrote:
> > As far as the UN, I tend to envision a LARGE fleet of really
powerful ships,
> > with some crack troops available (all Powered Armor & Individual
> > Weapons, IIRC).  All of the ships painted a nice bright white, with
> > egg blue insignia.	NOT something you want to see on the table in
any number.
> >
> > Noah V. Doyle
> I tend to agree with this particular view, except the ships wouldn't
> necessarily all be white----some would be black (or a very DARK grey)
> the tradition of the black helicopters,
> although they would keep the egg blue insignia....
> Cris M.

     Get with the game pardner!   Just 'Everybody' knows those guys
with the white suits wear black leotards (Sp?) and keep saying 'these
are not the droids we are looking for'.   :-)

Bye for now,
John L.

P.S.  I keep telling the gunnery officer the red ships with the white
cross are Danish, not Swiss.   The Swiss cross does not go all the 
way across the field.

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