Re: Odd FT Idea
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 14:58:07 -0500
Subject: Re: Odd FT Idea
> >This brings to mind Knights Hospitalar in the future....
> ROFL! Knights of St. John! Red ships with white crosses,
> Power-armored troops with Red tabards with same. Spend most of their
> time raiding Islamic Federation commerce and starports. I've got a
> KoSJ army. . .
"For God and King Richard" or some such drivel.....
> Feh. Just accept the inevitable and apply for statehood. ;) Then
> we'll combine our forces for a crusade against Quebec.
I had planned to sell the Quebec area to the US as a closer-to-home
test range for new technologies in biowarfare and nukes. Either that
or use charges to 'separate' them.
They have a bumper sticker "My Canada Inlcudes Quebec." It is
designed to show that we value Quebec and will bend over a rail and
hand them the Vaseline. (Sorry, I do like the Quebecers but I don't
like the Quebecois which is the brain-dead intelligentsia with this
seperatist agenda). My bumper sticker would read "My Canada includes
the Land Occupied by Quebec." reflecting the original acts
delineating who owned what in North America. The problem with the
anglophone world is we are crappy winners - we don't like to put the
boot to our opponents and hold it on their neck to get them to do
what they should do. Instead we let them incite themselves into a
froth and give them the power to hoof us in the family Jewels.
Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
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