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RE: OT Lights to game/paint by

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 09:48:22 -0500
Subject: RE: OT Lights to game/paint by

Tim spake thusly upon matters weighty: 

> If radiant heat is an issue then these are a better option and require
> less clearance, you can get better spectrum tubes at more cost (black
> light make an interesting combination with flourescent paints)

I didn't realize there were grades of Tubes. In a vaguely on-topic 
posting, I'd be most intrigued to see a battle under blacklight - 
something tells me it would be hard to see the dice - but I have one 
that glows in the dark so I guess even that is possible.  

> I have seen floor standing halogens with swivel heads though. But
lights on the 
> floor get in the way and can be tripped over in excitment. They too
> much directional heat.

True, but I've found that, unlike the spots which shine "on" you, 
they shine on the ceiling and the heat tends to move up from there...
> I also have a desk lamp that clamps to the gaming board from a
> cartography studio, has a double flourescent head 2x18 inch tubes.

Good idea. Like a drafting lamp. Good for illuminating a portion of 
the field. But doesn't this too get in the way?
> I use this to illuminate the game and sometimes have a red background
> in the angle poise to give atmosphere, as the spots are a bit bright.
> doesn't get in the way and as you can swivel it about. Feels like
being in one
> of those tac ops rooms you see in navy films.

Heh. Mood lighting for war games! What's next. 

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