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Re: sniper weapons for SGII

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 14:56:20 -0500
Subject: Re: sniper weapons for SGII

John spake thusly upon matters weighty: 

> You wrote: 
> >were not always available. Then again, we did take out T-34's with 
> soda	>bottles filled with tar and gasoline...
> And T-26s with lumber.  Read account of Finnish soldier during Winter 
> War who used fallen trees jammed into a T-26's running gear to 
> immobilize it, and then shot the Russian tankers as they tried to see 
> what was happening. . .  

Wouldn't work too well with a grav tank, assuming the repulsion is 
generated by the aerodynamic hull, hence no transmission or running 
gear (you'd have to attack the hull to attack the grav unit) and 
presumably a fusion plant (self-contained) removing the need for much 
in the way of engine intakes. 

These tanks might be hard to attack (if they hover 10 feet up, 
infantry can't board to shove charges or grenades into things). The 
one point about such a tank is it must armour all six sides as it 
cannot gaurantee it won't be attacked by other grav tanks from above 
or beneath (or the rear) hence the armour might be a tad thinner than 
on a tank which only has to armour four faces well (or five). The way 
to attack them might be EMP or grav seeking missiles or some sort of 
field generator that varies gravity in an area they fly through to 
cause crashes. Either that or follow the guerilla plan - contaminated 
fuel, assassinated crew on liberty, defective ammunition or suborning 
a mechanic or rear area worker or just sneaking in to sabotage the 
vehicles which are no doubt very complex. It might just be that a 
futuristic grav tank is beyond MOST methods used to attack 
conventional armour of today, since it may well be a cross between 
the armoured tracklayer of today and the tac-air helo or A-10 of 


Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
Software Kinetics Ltd.
66 Iber Road, Stittsville
Ontario, Canada, K2S 1E7
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