Prev: Re: sniper weapons for SGII Next: Getting weirder and more OT (was:Re: Wacky Idea #217)

Re: Wacky Idea #217

From: "Tom Sullivan" <starkfist@h...>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 10:59:04 PDT
Subject: Re: Wacky Idea #217

>Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
>On Fri, 26 Jun 1998, Tom Sullivan wrote:
>> Anyone have any thoughts on this?
>> Or ideas on which figures this would be most appropriate for?
>> ...
>> "My, sir, your tanks certainly are...festive."
>How about a solipsist's camouflage, ala Ian Banks? :)
>Rick Rutherford
>(301) 598-0500 x2420

     Hell and damn...I remember this, but I don't remember any of the 
details.  What book is it from?
     While I am at it, I should paint up a unit or two equipped with 
Douglas Adams SEP field--great for recon units....  "Ah, sir?  Is it 
just me, or did a huge freakin' tank just drive through the camp?"  
"Just ignore it, private.  It's someone else's problem."

Tom Sullivan
"Well, we've seen the light at the end of the tunnel.  Now all we can do

is hope that it's not a supernova."

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Prev: Re: sniper weapons for SGII Next: Getting weirder and more OT (was:Re: Wacky Idea #217)