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Re: Editing GZG figs...

From: "Alex Shvarts, Andrew Martin & Brian Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 17:23:13 +1200
Subject: Re: Editing GZG figs...

Ground Zero Games wrote:

> This may or may not be right, but I've heard stories/rumours of GHQ
> some serious industrial pantographing kit to reduce over-size original
> sculptures to microscale; if true, this could explain their phenomenal
> detail. Yes, I'd agree, they are the best stuff around (though over
> they are very expensive compared to other microarmour ranges); it
> simply be that they've got the best sculptor(s) in the business,
though if
> that was the case they must be paying him a LOT to stop him being
> headhunted by other companies.... :)
> Jon (GZG)

I have the GW magazine article that shows the GW staff reducing three
overscale model
down to the correct size for moulding in plastic.

Fascinating article, it shows how they do the modeling, reducing fit
and lots else.

The Chinese Philospher
Andrew Martin

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