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RE: How to kill a <grav> tank :)

From: John Skelly <canjns@c...>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 09:52:50 -0400
Subject: RE: How to kill a <grav> tank :)

I have to agree with Jon on the point of infantry supporting tankers.
It is nice to imagine a lone grunt running up to a tank with a sachel
charge and taking out a tank but how often is this going to happen?  If
you're playing the tanker's side how the heck did you get your tank
sitting by its lonesome?  In combined arms infantry are there to take
out other infantry (and maybe a few engineers).

You have to remember that tanks have support (infantry, engineers and
arty) for a reason.  Each arm supports the other arms.	Tanks are good
but I don't know about american drills but in canadian drills if there
is a chance that infantry are to be encountered the commander orders his
infantry to dismount to check it out.  My point is the infantry are
there to take out opposing infantry.

It is nice to picture Sgt York running up to a tank and taking it out.
But that tank has machine guns, it has smoke dischargers (white
phosphorus), it can move and it probably has other tanks around it than
can support it.  The tank commander can even call down fire on his

I know I could take out a tank with a sachel charge but then again I'm
not the average infanteer ;-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, June 25, 1998 1:22 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: How to kill a <grav> tank :)
> You wrote: 
> >Urk.  That would probably work.  But, true to form, if the Infantry 
> let you >get that close, they deserve to lose a neato toy like the 
> And you've seen armor officers use their attached infantry properly
> how 
> often? I once listened to an armor officer talk about attached
> infantry 
> (I game early modern with him and we got onto topic because I compared
> Renaissance cavalrymen to modern tankers) soley in terms of how they 
> could add to the armor-killing capabilities of his task force.  Uh-uh.
> Not the way this game is played.  Infantry escort tanks to keep other 
> infantry (and those Damned Engineers) from killing them.
> >'targeting' tanks through anything, targets infantry, 
> targets >eyeballs...heh, heh, heh.
> Whereupon helmets start having laser-resistant visors as standard. . .
> >Who refrains from modeling laser blinding weapons in DS2 or SG2, 
> really
> Presume everyone has eye protection, whether modelled with it or not.
> By then, you'll have laser-proof contact lenses.
> John

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