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Re: How to kill a <grav> tank :)

From: Jerry Han <jhan@i...>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 15:13:48 -0400
Subject: Re: How to kill a <grav> tank :) wrote:
> Some time ago, this was written:
> > It's a non-issue.  Tanks are fun and easy to kill. Mines, satchel
> > charges, shoulder-fired rockets.
> I'm not sure this is true; against modern (Chobham) tank armour as
used by 
> NATO tanks, HEAT rounds of the types used in satchel charges and 
> man-portable weapons are pretty much useless - you need such a large 
> calibre it is impractical to carry. This is why tanks now depend so 
> much on AP(FS)DS rounds. Unless someone has figured out a way to put
> niftier warheads in these rockets, a tank is still very hard for a 
> grunt to kill. Mind you, if infantry are still fielded against tanks
> (by proper armies) in the deep future, they must be able to kill the 
> somehow ... ("Quick, corporal - pass the Futtock Rocket!").

However, this is only true against the front/turret armour of modern
Sides, top, engine, treads (well, okay these are Grav tanks (8-) ), are
usually much more vulnerable.  Somebody once suggested pouring flaming 
gasoline into the turbine intake of a M1A2 as a way of stopping that 

Infantry finds a way.  Infantry always does.  (8-)


Jerry Han - - - TBFTGOGGI
"There's only now, there's only here, give in to love, or live in fear.
	    No other road, no other way, no day but today." 
		       RENT -  Johnathan Larson

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