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Re: Communication and Travel

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 23:36:37 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Communication and Travel

You wrote: 

>> >Keep most of your forces in orbit with those on the ground quickly 
>> >reinforcable and with almost instant ortillery support.
>> Kinda hard to collect taxes from orbit.
>Send tax collectors, not infantry units.

And you protect these tax collectors how?  Unless you're planning to 
threaten orbital bombardment every time his house gets firebombed/he 
get sniped at/his office is set on fire/etc.

>It rather depends on the level of civil disobedience and guerilla 
>activity. I'm not sure what number of troops the soviets needed to 
>keep Hungary in line. Probably many at the start, reducing as the 

Off hand, a couple divisions.  Plus a lot of collaborationists.  But to 
build your network of collabos, you've got to have the ability to keep 
them alive until there are enough to control the colony for you.

>Plenty of wars are over simple hatred. In fact, probably the majority 
>of todays wars are, or have that as a major factor. Religious hatred, 
>class hatred, racial hatred, or a combination. I guess the Iraqi 
>invasion of Kuwait was one of the few invasions recently was largely 
>for (oil) resources.

Yeah.  Doubt it.  If you check, actually in most cases the ethnic or 
religious issues (I will not dignify the 'class' nonsense with a 
response) are actually just an aggravation of land or other resource 

John M. Atkinson

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