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Re: Communication and Travel

From: Brian Bell <brian.bell@a...>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 23:11:02 -0700
Subject: Re: Communication and Travel

I much prefer a mix of technologies. In the campaign/world setting I was
designing, I had the following communication/travel technology:

Interstellar FTL communication: Limited to asteroid/lifeless world
installations due to the power requirements and environmental impact of
sending such a huge signal. Also, used mainly for emergency, diplomatic
communication due to cost. Can only target planetary (stellar?) objects
communication. This leaves it vulnerable to espionage. Limited to 36
years range.

Intrastellar FTL communications: Common. This allows ship to ship

FTL jump range: 12 light years is the maximum range for both military
civilian ships for a single jump. Military FTL drives recharge quicker
civilian drives. Military drives recharges at a rate of 1/2 hour per
year jump range. Civilian ships recharge at a rate of 2 hours per light
year jump range. Minimum time between jumps is 1/2 hour (2 FT turns).

This encourages the use of courier ships for both military and civilian
buisness. It also gives a reason to make small military ships (to
the courier ships from pirates/corporate raiders).

This also limites reinforcements from other systems in a campaign
(something that needed addressing in my proposed campaign).

These are just MY technical overlays for the GZG universe. Feel free to
take what you like and leave the rest.

Brian Bell

The Full Thrust Ship Registry

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