RE:(paintin) Valiant Miniatures
From: Tim Jones <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 12:07:10 +0100
Subject: RE:(paintin) Valiant Miniatures
To weather a light coloured miniature use crushed artist pastels
(the dry sort) apply with a soft brush, to panel edges, vents and
An alternative dust can be got from grinding graphite pencils. I use a
of fine wet and dry emery paper to grind the pastels. I use the cheap
made in China.
If you want to allow retouching of the weathering
then seal the base layer first with acrylic varnish. Weather and when
desired effect - seal with layer of acrylic varnish. If you screw up it
be rubbed off the sealed base coat with a wet cloth/brush. If you
weather on
unsealed base coat then its pretty permanent, but can be lightened by
brushing it waya but not very difficult to completely remove. Using a
cloth/brush makes a mess.
This gives a good grimy used look and can be used in conjunction with
out-lining of recesses with a grey wash.
Another interesting technique is to undercoat in black or grey and then
heavy dry brush in white as the under-coat. If using a light top coat
get reasonable gradual shading as the darker under coat creates shadows
the dry-brushed highlights reinforce the top coat to make it look
This relies on the light top coat being semi-translucent which white and
yellow based colours usually are when brushed.
tim jones