RE: Sa'vasku - ground forces (look & feel)
From: "George,Eugene M" <Eugene.M.George@k...>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 17:52:52 -0700
Subject: RE: Sa'vasku - ground forces (look & feel)
Well, OK I've avoided the 'bug thread' for a while but HAVE to chime in
with this one. The other day I was spray coating minis in the yard
(Urethane Spray Satin then a coat of Testors dullcoat, BTW) when lo and
behold up pops a wasp from a nearby nest (scouting for satellite papier
mache factories no doubt). Well, to make a long story short, Satin spray
coat kills 'em and preserves 'em but mine fell into the dirt and was
ruined. Tho' I wasn't planning on using the little beggar for a
miniature unit, I did have some thought to incorporate him in a diorama
or terrain bit. Gawd but this thread is pretty morbid.
> ----------
> From: Thomas Barclay[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Friday, June 05, 1998 8:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Sa'vasku - ground forces (look & feel)
> Brian spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> > Or better yet, use LIVE bugs! No more measuring! No more planning!
> Most
> > will take advantage of natural cover by themselves! Just wait until
> they
> > move in to range and fire! When they are destroyed, just crush them
> and
> > instant "damaged tank" miniatures!
> >
> > Of course, getting them to move the correct direction may be
> difficult.
> > And the owner of where you play may not appreciate the extra
> roaches.
> Or you could cast the live bugs - give you realistic action poses,
> I'm thinking.
> As for using them live action, great for solo scenarios. They don't
> fire much, but assume any mini they touch is close assaulted and
> resolve accordingly. They move on *special* initiative that lets them
> abandon the normal turn sequence. They have unknown morale and
> movement properties - a properly alien enemies for your pewter ground
> pounders....
> :) Tom.
> /************************************************
> Thomas Barclay
> Software Specialist
> Police Communications Systems
> Software Kinetics Ltd.
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