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Re: Re-Doing Beam Batteries

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 21:37:11 +0100
Subject: Re: Re-Doing Beam Batteries

>Hi Guys,
>An interesting way to beef up C batteries is to rescale all beam
>	0-12	13-24	25-36	37-48
>A	4	3	2	1
>B	3	2	1
>C	2	1
>2A	8	6	4	2	2x3=6 mass
>3B	9	6	3		3x2=6 mass
>6C	12	6			6x1=6 mass
>This makes 1 mass C batteries very ugly at short range, and B batteries
>slightly better then A batteries on a per mass basis at short range. 
>course C batteries would lose anti-fighter capability.
>I came up with this idea because I was sick of fighters guns having
>equal range and firepower of C batteries.  Please let me know what you

Fighter weapons have always had only 6" range, to the 12" of a C
The battery designations (not the rules or effects) have been changed
the Fleet Book ("FT 2.5") anyhow, so the old C batt is now a Class 1,
the B
a Class 2, A a Class 3; this now means you can also have Class 4 (which
the same as your "enhanced A" suggestion above), Class 5 etc.


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