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RE: GZG NEWS - DSII Infantry Walkers (was: Re: Bugs...)

From: Mike Wikan <MWikan@m...>
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 10:11:32 -0700
Subject: RE: GZG NEWS - DSII Infantry Walkers (was: Re: Bugs...)

>From a military standpoint small Infantry "Mecha" in the range of 10-12
feet tall are a good substitute for a Tank or an APC in Urban fighting
where their smaller silhouette combined with superior mobility can be
used to advantage. Indeed the DoD is going ahead with the "Enhanced
Soldier" prototype right now (I have a Close relative who is a muckety
muck in the industry) Numerous defense concerns are involved. It is
likely to be carrying something similar to an RH202 20mm cannon and a
2-4 cell stinger/LAW pack....

Michael Wikan, Game Designer
Accolade, Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 1998 8:22 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: GZG NEWS - DSII Infantry Walkers (was: Re: Bugs...)
> You wrote: 
> >Those of you who play DSII may be interested to hear that we've just 
> got >the first DSII Infantry Walker mini from the sculptor! It is a 
> Hrm.	Interesting.  I might pick a few up for the cool factor, but I'm
> not sure where they'd fit into a force structure--it's a nifty idea
> for 
> a mini, but as someone pointed out in the DSII rulebook, a bad idea 
> from a logical standpoint.
> John 

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