Re: Sa'vasku - ground forces (look & feel)
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 10:25:54 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Sa'vasku - ground forces (look & feel)
You wrote:
>Hopefully some more variants/castes will appear
>as I don't know how you'd build/grow a
>starship with a single pincer as the main
>manipulation appendage.
I don't know about anyone else, but if I pick any up, I will be adding
some sort of weapon pod to the forelimbs or something. I don't think
that in a game with artillery, aviation, and scatterable mines a
close-combat only force would have a significant chance. Fire AND
maneuver. Of course, you also gotta have some kind of bio-engineered
large bug to fill the role of a tank. After all, we know they can
bioengineer spacecraft to spit energy pulses, why not other critters?
But on the battlefield I doubt you'd see any critter not specifically
designed for land warfare unless you've penetrated into a 'secure' area
in which case all bets are off.
John M. Atkinson