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Re: CVEs

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 21:57:36 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: CVEs

You wrote: 

>     FT is however, a game full "o'booms".   (An quite a few belong
>to me.)

Which is why I buy a lot of NSL, and more than a few FSE.  My logic is 
that I'm painting them all grey and putting crosses on them, and who 
ever heard of Byzantines inventing anything military anyway (barring 
Greek Fire)?  They stole the best ideas from their opponents.  
Redesigning the fleet when I get the FB is gonna be real interesting.  
Probably going to be hull sizes as per the mini in question with the 
weapon mix reworked to suit my ideas.

>     I am going to assume the CVE in question is a very small 
>standard ship and not a civilian hull!

Hrm...Hadn't thought of doing that--take a Medium Freighter and put 
parts from Wings&Things on it.	That's a sick thought--fragile, but 
cheap.	Using the Q-ship rules, I could get a lot of fighters.	That 
would be a hell of a surprise for any bunch of Privateers or other 
commerce raiders.  I'll try your idea for a small standard carrier, 
though.  I think I've even got a NAC CL lying around somewhere.

John M. Atkinson

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