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Re: Origins'98

From: Shrike <voivode@i...>
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 18:04:22 -0400
Subject: Re: Origins'98

At 09:49 AM 5/27/98 -0500, Why tights? Why a cape? You're a grown man;
don't you feel wrote:
>Curious (and looking to wash the last bad thread taste from my mouth),
>who's planning on going to Origins this year? I mean besides KR. ;-)
>I know a friend of mine from Colorado is going, going to be doing some
>FT stuff, and I'll be there, doing some FT stuff. Any other list
>Or are y'all holding out for GenCon?  :-P

I am skipping both this year, I will only be doing local cons (Michigan
Northern Indiana/Ohio) this summer, for personal as well as business
reasons.  I would have loved to be able to do both, but perhaps next

Ryan aka Shrike

-  It is slavery to deny the individual the rights  -
-  and means for self defense, for without them     -
-  freedom can be neither achieved nor maintained.  -

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