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FT Vector Tactics

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 19:08:54 -0700
Subject: FT Vector Tactics

The String Thing

When using the vector movement system, cut yourself a piece of string
in length to the Main Drive thrust value of your/your opponent's
Figure out where your current, unmodified vector would take you and put
end of the string there. For those not good at envisioning spatial
relationships, your final position will be somewhere where that string

This can also be very usefull for "envisioning" where to place SML
especially if using the suggested 3" vector attack radius, which makes
things a bit more dicey.

Vector Push Assisted Turns

When you're really pushing the envelope to reduce your turn radius and
don't want to scrub too much velocity, use thruster pushes to put you
outside your anticipated movement area. (Note that this only really
for ships with Thrust >= 4, which gives them at least 2 Maneuver Thrust

For example, with a thrust 4 ship, use 1 maneuver point to turn 3 points
left or right of your current vector, burn the main drive thrust, and
the last maneuver point for a push, in the same direction of the turn,
put you outside your expected envelope.

Of course this works better with more thrust. A thrust 6 ship could get
farther outside, or could settle for a lesser amount and rotate to get
weapons to bear as well :-) Odds are, however, if you're that desperate
the extra distance, that defensive measures may currently be of greater


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