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Re: Friendly Fire was RE: Back to Platoon Leaders

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 00:08:04 +0100
Subject: Re: Friendly Fire was RE: Back to Platoon Leaders

>John Atkinson wrote:
>> >RED smoke.....!!). I think SGII/FMA should reflect both depending on
>> FMA?
>> John, knowing he's gonna feel stupid when someone tells him. . .
>Full Metal Anorak. The (protected, IIRC) name for the opposed
>dieroll/damage chit game mechanic as well as the not-yet-published SF
>skirmish game (as opposed to platoon-level).

Yup, pretty much right. We use FMA at present as a name for the
of rules mechanisms that make DS and SG what they are, ie: alternate
activations without initiative priorities, the use of opposed rolls, the
combinations of quality levels, command levels and die types etc. It is
"look and feel" thing, I guess.
FMA is also the title for the generic skirmish-level game to come, as
Oerjan says - an individual-troopers game rather than squad-based. The
proposed Fantasy version will be either FMJ (Full Mail Jerkin) or FMC
Metal Codpiece...

BTW, for those of you across the big pond, an Anorak is one of those
nylon 70s - style hooded rain jackets, now synonymous with
nerds and (in the perception of the great unwashed Joe Public, anyway)
wargamers. It is a bit like Anime fans happily calling themselves Otaku,
even though to the ordinary Japanese it is a derogatory term!

Jon (GZG)
>Oerjan Ohlson
>"Life is like a sewer.
>  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
>- Hen3ry

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