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Re: Morale, was Re: Low Tech Scenarios

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 21:26:26 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Morale, was Re: Low Tech Scenarios

You wrote: 

>Nope, I agree too. In fact, it is IMPOSSIBLE to break a unit of two 
AFVs if >they start at confident. The worst that can happen is that 
they drop from >Confident to Shaken when the first goes up (note that 
with vehicles, Shaken >doesn't degrade their performance). When the 
second goes up, the unit is gone! >Talk about min/maxing...

Of course, the only time I'd look at a two-vehicle unit without beating 
the person putting it on the board would be for a scout section.  I 
follow US lead and put them in 6-vehicle platoons that operate in 
pairs.	Normal-sized for tanks/IFVs ranges from 3-5, with 4 being 
ideal.	And you don't call a size 4 tank a scout. . . Unless you're 
NSL, in which case that screwy (but historically quite effective!) 
German recon doctrine is in effect.

John M. Atkinson

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