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AK-47 rounds: was RE: Low Tech Scenarios

From: Tony Christney <acc@q...>
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 09:57:30 -0700
Subject: AK-47 rounds: was RE: Low Tech Scenarios

At 12:19 AM 5/20/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I thought the round's design was copied in the AK-47?	7.62 instead of
>7.92.	Isn't the charge of the Sg44 halfway between a rifle and a
>pistol?  And, last question, wasn't the smaller round used because
>ranges were less than what the standard 7.92 was made for and because
>the need for an assault weapon?
I believe that the AK-47 used 7.63mm rounds, of course, I'm no 
expert, so I could be way off. I seem to recall firing an 
AK with 7.62mm rounds but the owner said that that was only
because it wasn't very easy to get the 7.63 stuff. Could have
all been BS and I wouldn't have been the wiser...

	Tony Christney

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