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Re: Low Tech Scenarios

From: tlsmith@m... (Terrance L. Smith)
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 22:36:53 -0600
Subject: Re: Low Tech Scenarios

>Later battles, though - non-drugged Stilties, say raiding nomads
>good guerillas and camo experts, even against pretty good high-tech
>equipment) with those muskets against small police forces with light
>weapons, could be fun :-)
>Oerjan Ohlson

Hum. I may need to rethink. I have been thinking large squads in order
get enough fire power for the low tech troops to have a chance. This
me more in the mind of the Boer War. I think hidden movement rules would
important here. Has anyone tried to use hidden movement (beyond the
and hidden deployment rules)?

Terrance L. Smith, Ph.D.
Nampa, Idaho

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