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Mobile mines

From: Tony Wilkinson <twilko@o...>
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 20:16:00 +0100
Subject: Mobile mines

	Mobile mines are placed as standard mines and have a defined
area as for
minefield type (be this defined by magnetic fields, robotic
etc....). Treat as a standard minefield in all respects except clearing.
	If attempting to clear an infantry lane through the field, no
effect. The
mines are in constant random motion (underground) and will reseed the
laneway in a very short time.
	If attempting to clear a vehicle sized laneway, no lane is
cleared due to
the mines movement but the effectiveness of the enitre field is reduced
5% for each attempt. However no mobile minefield may have an
below 10% (diminishing returns on the clearance attempts).
	Any vehicle attempting to clear any lane will detonate a mine as
effectivesness of the field at the start of the turn that the attempt is
	Cost of minefield is 5 times that for minefield type and takes
twice as
long to emplace.
	A minefield that has a mind of it's own is just tooooo nasty for
your own
side. How do you stop it wandering into your own lines?

	John just what did you mean by the resource multipliers in your
mine posts?


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