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RE: Mines 6

From: John Skelly <canjns@c...>
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 08:32:57 -0400
Subject: RE: Mines 6

I hopes of making this more SF:

How about these ideas:

1. Robotic minfields, ie- minefields that can get up and move
2. IFF minefields - they're smart enough to know friend from foe
3. Really smart mines (RSMs for short) - they wait for the best target;
anti-pers would go after leaders or support weapons; anti -vehicle might
do something where they detonate only under the last vehicle
4. Cruel anti-pers mines that would only injure someone, when someone
came to help the person he/she would get injured too

I admit to borrowing from other sources.  Any ideas comments?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Friday, May 15, 1998 12:52 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Mines 6
> Erm. . . I don't know as much about air and artillery scattered 
> minefields, but this is my estimate.
> Artillery:  Standard blast radius as per normal artillery.  Open sheaf
> gives 50% probability encounter, 2 chits, validity as per conventional
> mines.  Tight sheaf gives 40% + (10%xguns firing).
> Air-delivered:  DFO may be scatterable mines, as per artillery.  60% 
> chance of encounter, otherwise all the same.
> Note that most scatterable mines have a self-destruct fuze, with 
> variable settings from 18 hours to 7 days.
> John M. Atkinson

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