Re: GZG Mail order
From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 09:35:12 +0300 (EET DST)
Subject: Re: GZG Mail order
On Thu, 14 May 1998, Kevin Shope wrote:
> USPS shipping from the US to UK
> 2lb package Express mail (2-3 days) $22.50
> 10lb package Express mail (2-3 days) $52.75
> These prices reflect the most expensive service they had.
Please note that shipping prices depend on the direction.
They also have disturbingly little to do with actual
distance traveled, it's more of a matter of volume of traffic.
I happen to know that UPS, DHL and the like charge up to THREE TIMES as
much for the same package from Helsinki to Los Angeles than LA to
Helsinki. It's also cheaper to get air freight from LA than ground
freight from London...
With the courier firms, *who* is paying is also a major factor. Big
shippers get 50% or more off, so when I import stuff from LA, the
cheapest option is to let my supplier pay DHL and add it to my bill.
-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) | A pig who doesn't
+358 50 5596411 GSM +358 9 80926 78/FAX 81/Voice | is just an ordinary
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