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Re: Radiation Effects (was Re: Full Thrust discussion, anyone?)

From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 16:37:18 -0700
Subject: Re: Radiation Effects (was Re: Full Thrust discussion, anyone?)

Brad Holden wrote:
> Someone earlier mentioned banning particle beam weapons, that and this
> discussion of missles got me thinking of a piece of chrome for FT.
> Anyone who has ever played High Guard is familar with the old
> damage table.  Radiation damage comes from high energy particles
> made from nuclear weapons or particle beams colliding with parts of a
> ship and causing those parts to effectively glow with X-rays and Gamma
> Rays.
> My thinking is that you could, for an extra point cost say, purchased
> enhanced weapons.  To simply simulate the effect of radiation, I was
> thinking you could treat the weapon as normal but if a successful hit
> is made you also get a free needle beam attack.  For beam weapons, I
> would suggest only doing this at shortest range band.  The cost of
> these weapons should be the cost of a needle beam and a A battery
> combined somehow.  Also, only A batteries should be allowed to have
> this enhanced ability (thus preventing someone buying 20 enhanced C
> batteries for the free needle attack).
> Just a thought....
> cheers
> brad

     Suggestion:  How about using an 'A' battery AS a needle at short
range (roll 1D6), and require an FCS for this function. (For each 'A'
used in this 

Bye for now,
John L.

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